You’ve seen it in the grocery store, sitting proud on the shelf, next to the other myriad Sierra Nevadas. Rather than try something new, though, you reach for something more familiar…perhaps a Firestone twelver or your favorite local craft beer. The beer you have yet to try is that damn Brut IPA.
Say what?
A Brut I-P-A!
To be nontechnical, a Brut IPA is a beer brewed with the enzyme “amyloglucosidase” (say that five-times fast). The enzyme is known to break down complex sugars that may not otherwise ferment. The end result is a less sweet beer that can have big booze like imperial stouts.
There is a nice article by John Holl speaking with the credited creator of this style, Kim Sturdavant of Social Kitchen & Brewery in San Francisco.
Granted I have yet to try anything in the Bay Area that carries a brut IPA moniker–I live in Las Vegas–but what I have tried from Sierra Nevada and New Belgium in the grocery stores in Vegas has been disappointing. Before you put a nasty comment below, I know I need to try the real deal before I judge this style. These are just my first thoughts–so take it easy…have a beer!
For starters, the hype just wasn’t worth it for me. I’ve seen it a few times on the shelf and didn’t want to “splurge” on a new style when all I wanted was a tasty beer to hold me down for the weekend. It took me a couple weeks of seeing it before buying and trying it. (Marketers’ note: maybe distributors should price new beers lower so I can be more inticed to try them).
When I finally got home, cracked open the bottle, poured it in my glass and took a whiff, then a swig, memories of St. Pauli Girl came crashing to my mind. “Champagne-like” my ass. I could have gotten the real St. Pauli for a whole lot less and been just as happy.
So much for that experiment for a while. I’ll have to wait until the style matures a little bit before trying that heap of hops again. So long Brut IPA! Until you actually get good…
“My name is Broot!”